Shipping departments have different types of filling materials that accommodate the diverse needs of customers. While they vary, these protect packages during shipment and that’s the name of the game for shippers. To what extent is based on what you want. Electronics are good with packing peanuts that reduce the charges during shipment. Using all of the options available will allow you to choose the best options for you to ship items.
First, is bubble wrap varieties. These are good for boxes that are appropriately shaped but need some extra cushion for the material. Do not use this with large voids since it creates open spaces, but bubble wrap is good to protect against damage. They are the first layer of insulation against boxed contents, and this is for a sug security. You should notice as you use it that there are air bubbles of different sizes molded onto the sheeting used to protect this. The materials are available in the rolls that are good without or with perforations, and you can also get pouches and sheets, which allow for contents to be pushed in before they’re sealed. The larger bubbles are good for heavy duty protection, and there are anti-static bubble products that are good for minimizing electrical charges when you ship these. The specialized adhesive bubble wrap is also used, and this contains sticky surfaces that cling to the contents but they don’t leave a residue.

Then there are foam fillers. Foam is good because they can wrap around the corners and the edges. Conventional foam products are similar to bubble wrapping since they protect the packages in the same way bubble wrap does. Foam sheets get their effectiveness from the air pockets that they have, and cushioning against these does impact the handling. Air foam sheets have many widths, and they are sold in roles both with or without protection. Air foam sheets have different widths and they can be pre-cut or pouched sheets too.
Finally, you have loose fill and kraft paper. Both of these items are used to fill the voids. There are multiple sizes and styles, and the wax paper options and poly coated ones are good. They’re usually 100% recycled or combination papers of virgin fibers. Kraft paper is in precut sheets and the rolls are installed on horizontal and vertical cutters.
The loose fill can be polystyrene and used to cushion the contents on each side, giving evenly distributed impact resistance, along with shock absorption. Virgin and recycled options for this provide the same levels of protection, and there are biodegradable options to choose from as well, along with gravity dispensers which make this good for many shipping applications.

To put it simply, there are a lot of fill options, and as a shipper, you’ll realize this. It’s up to you to figure out what you want from this, and each of the different means that best work for you since it allows for cushion.